Yes you can find your icici prudential life insurance policy status , net asset value etc by SMS.
For using this service first register your mobile number by this method
Mobile Number Registration: To register your mobile number in icici prudential records,
SMS REG (8 digit policy number 00XXXXXX) (Policy Owners DOB in DDMMYYYY format) to 56767
After registration you may get policy status by this method
Policy Status: To get the status of a policy and also the next due date for the premium,
SMS PST (8 digit policy number 00XXXXXX) to 56767
For finding net asset value (NAV)
Net Asset Value: To get the NAV value and also total fund value for a ULIP policy,
SMS NAV (8 digit policy number 00XXXXXX) to 56767
For more details
SMS Helpline Alerts: To get the list of SMS Helpline Alerts available,
SMS SRV to 56767