1.generally it is not suggest surrendering an insurance policy because if you surrender your policy it always deduct the first year premium you've paid,
2. normally if you surrender your policy an insurance company only return 20-30% of your balance premiums paid plus all bonus accrued till that date.
3. Surrender value is payable only after three full years premiums are paid to LIC. More over if it is a participating policy the Bonus get attached to it as per prevalent rules.
4. If due to any reason when you wish to terminate/discontinue your insurance policy then visit the nearest branch in your location or contatact your LIC agent .
5. download LIC application form for surrender of policy from this web link
if your policy different from LIC thenfor your company surrender form please visit your company nearest branch
6. fill this form and attach your original policy and deposit it on your nearest LIC office.
सेबी से पंजीकृत भारतीय रिसर्च एनालिस्ट महेश कौशिक से हिन्दी में सीखिये शेयर बाजार के गुर व हर सप्ताह पाईये फ्री शेयर टिप लोंग टर्म निवेश के लिये सेबी पंजीकरण क्रमांक:-INH 100000908 Registered under SEBI(RESEARCH ANALYSTS) REGULATIONS, 2014
रविवार, 25 जुलाई 2010
बुधवार, 21 जुलाई 2010

2. Max bupa health insurance launch his health insurance product in brand name of “heartbeat”
3. Max bupa have 3 heartbeat health insurance plans
a. heartbeat platinum b. heartbeat gold c. heartbeat silver
4. Max bupa plans also includes several Maternity Benefits - Medical Expenses for the delivery of a child under family floater plans
5. Max bupa plans cover specified vaccination expenses for children.
6. Policy covers Reasonable and Customary charges for Hospital accommodation.
7. other benefits available on max bupa health insurance heartbeat plans is Pre & Post hospitalization Medical Expenses, Health Checkup, medical expenses for an organ donor’s treatment for the harvesting of the organ, ambulance expenses, etc
8. For more details about max bupa health insurance plans please visit company website on this link
9. Information given here is only brief details of max bupa plans it may be change by company time to time so please refer your information offer documents for latest cover in your policy
Key words:- old age health insurance , family health insurance, max bupa plan details, best health insurance in India
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