Hello Mahesh ji
I am a regular reader of your blog and first of all i would like to thank for your free guidance on stocks and I have one question on LIC JEEVAN SARAL Policy. I have bought a Policy and paying premium of 60000 per anum. Could you please tell me about your views on the policy and returns.
1. Suresh ji LIC JEEVAN SARAL POLICY is a mixture of traditional insurance plans and unit links plans.
2. When unit link policies of all companies is dislike by most of investors due to hidden charges and unclear benefits than LIC plan to launch this special plan for beating recurring deposits of post office.
3. LIC JEEVAN SARAL POLICY have higher risk cover, liquidity , flexibility
4. In death case LIC JEEVAN SARAL POLICY return you 250 time monthly premiums plus all paid premiums ( excluding first year premium and all extra rider premium) and loyalty editions.
5. On maturity LIC JEEVAN SARAL POLICY give sum assured plus loyalty edition.
6. The policyholder can choose a maximum term but can surrender at any time without any surrender penalty or loss after 5 years.
7. You can make Any number of withdrawals through partial surrendering in LIC JEEVAN SARAL POLICY.
8. Overall please remember one thing that any insurance plans as well as LIC JEEVAN SARAL POLICY give only 6 % to 10 % return if we see them as investment but if you see insurance as risk cover then my view is positive for this policy.
9. It is no doubt it is best plan in available policies.
सेबी से पंजीकृत भारतीय रिसर्च एनालिस्ट महेश कौशिक से हिन्दी में सीखिये शेयर बाजार के गुर व हर सप्ताह पाईये फ्री शेयर टिप लोंग टर्म निवेश के लिये सेबी पंजीकरण क्रमांक:-INH 100000908 Registered under SEBI(RESEARCH ANALYSTS) REGULATIONS, 2014
मंगलवार, 12 जुलाई 2011
गुरुवार, 13 जनवरी 2011

2. Bajaj Allianz iGain III Insurance Plan is a complete Online life insurance plan that gives you complete Freedom to buy directly from company. This facility reduces agent commission Burdon on consumer so provide you a high allocation compared to insurance agent base life insurance scheme.
3. So if you buy Bajaj Allianz iGain III Insurance Plan online then you get high allocation of 98% from the start of the policy. and 100% allocation from 6th policy year onwards think this is good from old ULIP’s where some companies give only 60-70 % unit allocation in first year due to high commission Burdon of insurance agents.
4. Bajaj Allianz iGain III Insurance Plan have Inbuilt accidental death cover .
5. in Bajaj Allianz iGain III Insurance Plan you have Option to select policy term of 10/ 15 or 20 years and premium paying term of 5 years to policy term.
6. in this plan company provide Automatic annual increase in sum assured from 6th policy anniversary to suit your needs.
7. in Bajaj Allianz iGain III Insurance Plan policy you have Choice of 7 different investment funds to invest in as per your risk appetite, in these 7 funds 4 funds name Equity Growth Fund II, Accelerator Mid-Cap Fund II, Pure Stock Fund and Blue-chip Equity Fund have 60-100 % allocation in equity and remain 3 funds name Asset Allocation Fund bond fund and liquid fund are debt funds.
8. In this plan two investment portfolio strategies to manage your investments which will help you to balance and safeguard your investment.
9.for example in 20 year Bajaj Allianz iGain III Insurance Plan starting years of investments, your investment is allocate in equity funds and after 5 year equity funds portion is gradually reduce and bond fund portion is gradually up, in last 5 years all of your investment shifted gradually in liquid fund.
10. You will have the option to receive the maturity benefit in installments (payable yearly, half yearly, quarterly or monthly, at the option of the policyholder) spread over a maximum period of 5 years.
11.you have Flexibility of Partial withdrawals anytime after five years from the commencement of the policy.
12. Top-up premium payment over and above regular premiums the minimum top up premium is Rs. 5,000.
13. overall my view is positive for Bajaj Allianz iGain III Insurance Plan and I think company professionals work hard for preparing this new ULIP but please remember author is not an insurance agent of any company and these points which I mention here is only for educational purpose read disclaimer on this blog before make any decision.
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